
Are you wondering why it’s necessary to work with a Visalia property management company

And, if you do decide to partner with a property manager, are you wondering whether to choose a large, institutional company or a professional, local firm? 

Maybe you’ve been managing your rental property on your own, and handing over the leasing, management, and maintenance of that property feels a little strange. We understand. 

决定与mg冰球突破豪华版试玩专业人士合作是一大步. It’s also a smart one. The laws protecting tenants in Visalia are stricter than ever, and renting out a home is more complex than it’s ever been. 你可能会发现,当涉及到你的投资物业时,你不仅有更多的安心, you also have the opportunity to save money on expenses. Property managers keep costs down. We implement strategies that increase what you earn.

我们今天要讨论的是物业经理如何做到 independent landlords cannot. 我们也展示了与一家真正了解你的房产和市场的当地管理公司合作的价值.

Local Visalia Property Managers Understand the Market

与了解当地情况的物业经理合作很重要 rental market. 物业经理可以获得更多的资源和交流机会. The technology is also more accessible, 生成一组数据和信息,您可以作为mg冰球突破豪华版试玩客户使用这些数据和信息. 

虽然您可能使用在线租赁网站或一般数据来收集定价和营销信息, 我们多年的经验和我们在租赁行业的存在带来了具体的细节. 我们在维萨利亚已经很多年了,我们熟悉这里的竞争和机遇. 我们了解这些物业,我们了解租户,我们欣赏这些挑战和复杂的环境 local laws and regulations that come with renting out homes in our market. 

与mg冰球突破豪华版试玩团队合作会增加你的收入.  Property managers will use what we know to limit vacancy time, accurately price your listing, and manage showings to encourage a speedy leasing process. 我们将推荐升级和更新,可能会增加您的 rental value and attract quality tenants. 

了解市场是我们租赁过程中很重要的一部分. As a homeowner who works with us, you can take advantage of our local knowledge, which combined with our industry expertise, delivers innovative and impressive results. 

Local expertise is required. A large, 在全国各地设有办事处的企业mg冰球突破豪华版试玩公司将投入较少的资源来了解当地市场. 一定要选择一家了解这个地区的公司,以及在这里有效出租房屋所需的条件.

Complex Visalia Tenant Relationships

管理自己出租物业的房东通常负责选择自己的租客. This can be risky, 特别是如果你不完全清楚公平住房法和筛选要求. 

Property managers can generally do a better job with screening. 我们的流程不仅符合法律要求,而且还带来了更好的租户.  

Rely on our expertise. 选错租客会给你整个租期带来压力和挫折. It will cost you money and waste your time. There will be late rent payments to collect, lease violations to correct, and perhaps even property damage or eviction. A good tenant makes a big difference, and you have a better chance of identifying, placing, 并在专业的Visalia物业经理进行筛选和背景调查时留住优秀的租户. 

Our team screens tenants carefully and rigorously. We know the local laws and we’re careful to craft objective, 每个获批准的申请人必须符合一致的租金标准. 

一个好的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩团队明白,你的整个租赁体验取决于租客的到位,他们按时支付租金, take care of your property, communicate well, and follow the terms of their lease agreement. 

Our screening process includes the following:

  • Checking credit history 
  • Looking at criminal backgrounds and prior evictions
  • Verifying income and employment
  • 对过去的房东和物业经理进行背景调查

你不必担心房客占用你的房产. When we rent your home, 你可以放心,因为你的房客是合格的、负责任的. 

Rental Property Maintenance and Repairs


维护您的财产是您的管理团队提供的一项基本mg冰球突破豪华版试玩. 物业经理将应对日常和紧急维修情况, and we will also make preventative maintenance a priority. 具有成本效益的维护是与物业经理合作的优势之一. 你可以省下定期维修、紧急呼叫、甚至升级和翻新的钱. 

我们与维萨利亚及其周边地区一些最可靠的供应商和承包商有关系. 您的维护成本将更低,工作将以专业和快速的方式完成. There’s less to worry about when something minor happens. 当意外发生时,没有什么可担心的——我们能够立即作出反应. 

Lease Enforcement, Rent Collection, and Accounting 

Rent CollectionAre you able to enforce your lease? Managing on your own is difficult, if you shy away from conflict. With a local property manager working for you, there’s no need to worry about rent being collected on time. You’ll know your property is safe and protected


我们会执行租赁协议,让你的房客承担责任, even while maintaining positive relationships with our renters. 你想知道你的租户和你的管理公司之间是否有良好的关系,因为保留租户对节省你的钱很重要.

会计是你可以指望从物业经理那里得到的另一件事. Our software and technology is a huge help to owners, 谁只需要登录到他们的在线门户网站,看看一个仔细的会计收入和支出.

There’s no need to struggle through the process of leasing, managing, and maintaining your property on your own. And, 你没必要把一切都交给一个连你名字都不记得的大公司. 

Choose local Visalia property management. 你会得到最好的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩,最好的价值,最好的结果. Contact us at The Equity Group.